Musculoskeletal Infections: A Clinical Case Book
Musculoskeletal Infections: A Clinical Case Book
Julie Reznicek, Paul W. Perdue, Jr., Gonzalo Bearman | Springer | 2020 | English | Pages : 230 | ISBN: 9783030411503 ID: 2509291 | 6 MB | pdf
This book aims to concisely present the most common types of musculoskeletal infections and demonstrate the key components of accurate diagnosis, treatment, and management. Written by experts in both infectious diseases and orthopaedics, the text takes a reader-friendly approach that is ideal for medical professionals in training as students or as seasoned practitioners strengthening their skills. Case chapters include a color clinical image as well as radiographic images for superior visual support. They conclude with 4-6 bulleted high yield points for quick reference and…