اصول بیوشیمی لنینجر ویرایش 7 چاپ 2017
نام محصول:اصول بیوشیمی لنینجر ویرایش 7 چاپ 2017
تعداد صفحات:2865
زبان: انگلیسی
ویژه گی های اخرین ویرایش
homework system provides robust, high-level questions that you can assign to students for practice and assessment, with hints and wrong-answer feedback. Below is a chapter-by-chapter list of the other media resources available on the SaplingPlus with Lehninger platform. • The Interactive Metabolic Map, including tutorials and concept check questions, allows students to zoom between overview and detailed views of the most commonly taught metabolic pathways. • Case Studies (6, with more to be added) ask students to solve a biochemical mystery by choosing from different…